List of Actions
- Dear Board members,
- As requested, please see below the actions from last week’s Board meeting:
- Delegation of Power Discussion
- Action: The Board will review the Delegation of Power document as an agenda item during the February Board meeting.
- December Board Minutes
- Action: Roda will review the December Board minutes to identify potential action items and email them to the Board.
- KSS1 Windows and Scaffolding
- Action: Berkeley will provide an update in February on whether scaffolding is needed for the KSS1 windows (remedial works).
- Response to Chair’s Letter
- Action: Jada will follow up tomorrow on the response to the Chair’s letter sent to NHG’s CEO in October and report back.
- Action Tracker Updates
- Action: Roda will amend the action tracker to include responses from the CEO to WDCO regarding raised questions, ratherthan closing this action prematurely.
- District Heat Network Meeting
- Action: Molly will follow up tomorrow with Michelle to confirm when the District Heat Network meeting will be scheduled. LBH has agreed to confirm a meeting date before the next Board meeting.
- Masterplan Validation Update
- Action: Berkeley will update WDCO on the outcome of Hackney’s planning team validation letter for the masterplan outline application.
- Funding for Community Events
- Action: Berkeley will provide an update in February on funding for community events.
- Overseas Sales
- Action: Sarah will review updated statistics on the proportion of properties sold to overseas buyers in the last quarter and provide an update.
- Wind Tunnel
- Action: Berkeley will review options with WDCO after a meeting with Nar and Jury to discuss the landscaping condition.
- Action: Sarah will confirm when WDCO members can visit Milton Keynes to view the wind tunnel test.
- Phase 3 Rents and Deadlines
- Action: Dani will follow up on Oonagh’s concerns regarding the review of rents and approaching deadlines for residents.
- Phase 3 Service Charge Breakdown
- Action: NHG will address Shifra’s question regarding when residents will be informed of the new costs.
- Action: Dani will request NHG to provide a detailed breakdown of service charges for residents.
- NHG Letter to Residents
- Action: Molly will follow up on the letter from NHG outlining rents, service charges, council tax, and heat tariffs.
- Action: NHG will circulate the letter to residents and include ITLA information at the end.
- Phase 3 Decision Deadline
- Action: Dani will confirm if the decision deadline for Phase 3 offers can be extended for residents.
- Temporary Housing Update
- Action: Hackney will provide a written update from the DART team for the Round Table regarding temporary housing.
- Action: Roda will circulate the update to the Board, who will then submit written questions for Hackney to answer in writing.
- Block D Inquiry
- Action: Adrian will follow up with Hackney on questions regarding Block D.
- Action: Roda will email Kristina to confirm if she can lead on the Block D priority from the WDCO Awayday.
- Satellite Community Space and Current Office Decision
- Action: Roda will follow up with Hackney regarding the availability of another satellite community space in a later phase.
- Action: Roda will inform Hackney and NHG of the Board’s decision to remain in the current office.
- Partners Awayday Preparations
- Action: Roda will inform Hackney that four WDCO representatives will attend the Awayday.
- Action: Roda will arrange a pre-meeting with attendees to review key points from the WDCO Awayday.
- Action: Roda will follow up tomorrow with Hackney and the facilitator, Lisa Taylor, for a redrafted agenda and circulate it once received.
- Proofreading the Awayday Report
- Action: Ann and Jackie will proofread the Awayday report.
- Board Meeting Notes
- Action: Adrian will circulate notes from the meeting with Jackie and William on “getting WDCO’s house in order” to the Board.
- Priority Focus Areas
- Phase 3 Service Charge
- Identified as a second priority, with many members already involved.
- Social Housing Numbers in Future Phases
- Geoff Baron and Gloria will lead on this priority.
- Redmond Centre Usage
- Adrian discussed potential uses of the kitchen/space for coffee mornings and evenings.
- Volunteers for coffee mornings: Tina, Jackie, Ann, Adrian, Gita, Hillary, Oonagh, Donna, Leonora, and Andrea.
- NHG Performance Monitoring
- Ann Kelly and Hilary will oversee NHG’s performance.
Image courtesy of Microsoft Designer
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