This corner unit of the Hartington’s building has been designated for some time as a “community space”. This was first agreed in a Deed of Variation to the Principal Development Agreement between the London Borough of Hackney and Berkeley Homes in 2017. You can read the terms of this Deed and see the list of uses to which the space (c 1,000 sq. m) can now be put, in this Hackney Decision Paper.
At some time prior to January 2023 a working group of the Regeneration Partners selected Mill Co. to be the operator of Block D. At the January 2023 WDCO Board Claire Martin, the Director and founder of Mill Co. introduced a presentation. Mill Co began in 2009 and had, at that time, been operating for 12 years. Mill Co. then operated three sites in east London totalling over 30,000 sq ft, providing 28 studio spaces to local businesses and community groups. They have successfully operated and delivered a wide-ranging social and community programme at the Rose Lipman Building since 2012.
At a meeting of the London Borough of Hackney Cabinet on 22nd July 2024 the decisions on the right were approved
- Authorised the acquisition of a leasehold interest for a term of 299 years at a peppercorn rent of Unit A, Hartingtons Court, Coster Avenue, N4 2QW (aka Block D, Woodberry Down).
- Authorised the grant of a sublease to the Mill Co. Project Limited for a term of up to 15 years.
- Delegated authority to the Interim Group Director of Finance, in consultation with the Group Director of Climate, Homes and Economy, to agree all commercial terms of the transactions.
- Authorised the Acting Director of Legal, Democratic and Electoral Services to settle, agree and enter into all primary and, where necessary, ancillary documentation necessary for these transactions.
Block D occupies one of the most desirable ground floor sites on the estate, with the small amphitheatre of natural and artificial grass immediately beside it, and a view of the reservoirs subtly screened by greenery. The artificial estate football pitch will shortly replace the temporary green building in the view below.

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