WDCO Elections

The Election Cycle

The WDCO board is made up of

  • 24 Elected Members
  • 1 representative appointed by each Residents’ Association on the Estate
  • 6 co-opted members

Elections for the 24 elected members take place every 3 years. The next elections are due in June and July 2024, with the new board taking its place from September.

If a vacancy arises then a by-election may be held.


Each representative should represent approximately the same number of dwellings. This is achieved simply taking the the total number of dwellings and dividing it by 24, and then looking to see how constituencies can sensibly be formed.

As a matter of policy tenures are not generally mixed within a constituency.

The proposed constituencies for the 2024 elections are as set out in this table. 1


Anyone who lives in or works on the Woodberry Down Estate can stand for election.

Any Member of a Residents’ Association can be the RA representative.

Spaces are reserved for a Business Representative and a member of a recognised Leaseholder’s Association

Four other members can be co-pted.

  1. Please be aware that these numbers will be under review until very close to the time of the elections as properties are occupied and vacated. The variations arising are likely to be small and not to affect the overall allocations. It is possible that constituencies may be combined for administrative convenience ↩︎