Hackney Action Status Report

All Hackney’s outstanding Actions and statuses

Action Name Action Status Status Updated Status Update Action Number
District Heat NetworkUpdate 012024-02-15The Council is still reviewing the draft feasibility study prepared by Arup. An update will be brought to the DHN Working Group as soon as possible. 240100
Masterplan meeting with Guy NicholsonUpdate 012024-01-18Chairs follow-up with Deputy Mayor Guy Nicholson awaits response. 231101
Masterplan meeting with Guy NicholsonUpdate 022024-02-15A response will be provided wk/c 19th February231101
Rodents/pest control strategyUpdate 012023-09-21The Council is in the process of co-ordinating the next meeting.230600
Rodents/pest control strategyUpdate 022023-10-19Hackney Regen team are in the process of organising another meeting with the appropriate personnel from each organisation. 230600
Rodents/pest control strategyUpdate 032024-01-18In progress - a meeting will be arranged with the Vermin Group.230600
Rodents/pest control strategyUpdate 042024-02-15In progress - a meeting will be arranged with the Vermin Group.230600