In Public Session
The November Board meeting followed an unusual pattern. We began with a public session, itself in two parts. Despite a number of absences due to illness from the 32 board members, there are 54 heads in the image above.
Part One.One – was the machinery of all board meeting, approving the minutes and dealing with action points. Necessary but dull and all over in 15 minutes.
Part One.Two – began with a presentation by Omar and Shifra setting out the steps they had taken to address the problems of tenants given late notice of their new rents and service charges just as they were about to move into Phase3 of the development.
Tap or click on a slide to see a larger image, and then scroll through.
The slides set out
- the problem – Phase 3 NHG tenants about to move in face swingeing increases in rent and service charges of which they have been informed very late.
- the reaction – what tenants think about these changes
- WDCO Actions – what WDCO has done in an attempt to address these questions, and the changes it would like to see to the current situation
Following the presentation many of those affected who had come to the meeting, asked many questions of NHG and the London Borough of Hackney representatives.
Taking these into account WDCO and ITLA will continue to pursue the matter.
In Private Session
The board had a lengthy agenda for its confidential session, the main goal of which was to begin to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of the board proceedings. The agenda items and decisions were:
- Delegation of Powers to the Executive Committee (15 mins)(the paper for discussion will be updated to clarify some questions)
- Assignment of policy areas to Vice Chairs (written update – accepted without discussion)
- The status of Liaison Meetings (15 mins)(with paper for discussion -it was agreed that the December liaison meeting will not take place)
- A report on the Community Groups Survey (written update provided- accepted without discussion)
- The role of NHG in our present problems (30 mins)(with paper for discussion – it was agreed that the report raised valid concerns and should be updated)
- Partnership Agreement (25 mins)(with Partnership Agreement and comments from the Executive Committee – discussion postpones)
- Phase 3 Community Space (20 mins)(with written update – it has been suggested that WDCO should submit a proposal to NHG to occupy the space, but in the light of arguments put forward this is not being pursued at present)
The board considered all these items except the Partnership Agreement.
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