The Woodberry Down Community Organisation (WDCO) is a democratically elected body for all residents and retailers in all of the Woodberry Down Estate. We are recognised by the development partners Hackney Council, Notting Hill Genesis (NHG) and Berkeley Homes as the main negotiating body when discussing all aspects of the Woodberry Down regeneration.
All resident and tenant associations have the right to affiliate with WDCO and send representatives to the board meetings, whether they live in private, council or Notting Hill Genesis.
WDCO is committed to ensure that all residents in Woodberry Down benefit from the regeneration. WDCO participates in meetings with Hackney Council, Notting Hill Genesis and Berkeley Homes to ensure that resident voices and concerns are heard.
As a resident you can get involved by attending the board meetings as an observer. These are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7.15pm at the Redmond Community Centre.
The WDCO board is elected every two years, with the next elections due to take place in early 2023. All residents can vote in these elections and those who are over 18 years are automatically WDCO members.
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